The second phase of the EU funded Mayors for Economic Growth Facility is now in full swing in Armenia.

The implementation of the second phase of EU funded Mayors for Economic Growth Facility is in full swing now in Armenia. The #M4EG regional facility is designed to enhance local economic inclusive growth and job creation by strengthening the capacities of local government and facilitating processes for the development of investable projects. The EU has partnered with the United Nations Development Programme for the roll-out of the new phase of the #M4EG, which is anchored on the “portfolio approach” to local economic development (LED).
Under the call for proposals “Portfolios for Municipal Transformations,” the Areni community was selected to pioneer the “portfolio journey” in Armenia. This entails a 2-3 year-long learning process and targeted funding for implementation of Areni’s transformation portfolio.
The communities of Alaverdi, Ashtarak and Charentsavan were endorsed to be part of the Innovation Grant for Urban Imaginaries 2022 cohort. Following a cycle of mentorship these communities will be eligible to compete for funding to implement innovative small-scale LED projects.
In addition, the communities of Dilijan, Ijevan and Kapan were selected under the call for proposals “M4EG: pilot projects” announced by the EU to implement large scale LED projects with a total value of EUR 2.7 mln. These projects focus on enhancing local infrastructure for business development and improving access to education and training.
All municipalities in the #M4EG network can benefit from learning, training, and knowledge exchange activities offered by the Facility, including support for design of a new generation of LED plans.