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Enhancing economic development of Ijevan through leveraging PPP and creating local eco-system for innovative development. InnoIjevan

Project Description
The project is aimed at launching PPP dialogue in Armenia’s Ijevan city aimed at establishment of a sustainable ecosystem for development of innovative entrepreneurship in the domain of tourism, high value agriculture and food processing.
Specific Objective
Economic growth, rising employment and reduced internal and external migration
Advanced municipal development planning and service delivery framework capacities for Ijevan municipality
Unlocked PPP dialogue facilitative towards creation of business enabling environment in the Ijevan

Expected Results
Operational ecosystem comprised of business accelerator and Armath engineering laboratories functioning in the Ijevan (serving as community development hubs) promotes innovative entrepreneurship;
Advanced educational opportunities via establishment of Real School for vocational education and work-based learning
Advanced training program for women, youth and other representatives of vulnerable strata of population through training, retraining, work-based learning and nurturing of hard and soft skills
Project map
Եկ զարկե՛նք, Իջեւան
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates
Education, Research and Innovation
Culture, Digital, Eastern Partnership, Education, Environment, Infrastructure, Jobs, Local development, Research and Innovation, Youth
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number:
430-433/ INTV-17413