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Addressing Gender-Biased Sex Selection and Related Harmful Practices in the South Caucasus: Support to Regional, National and South-South Interventions

Project Description
The Global Programme to Address Son Preference and Gender-biased Sex Selection is the largest multi-country programme supported by the European Union, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (SIDA) and the United Nations Fund Population Fund (UNFPA) to end the practice of GBSS. In the South Caucasus region, the programme is implemented by UNFPA in
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in collaboration with governments, academic and research institutions, service providers, civil society and communities. Programme interventions are geared towards expanding the overall knowledge about drivers and consequences of GBSS, and addressing social norms that discriminate women and attribute a lower value to daughters.
By enhancing the overall value of women and girls in the society, through gender transformative results, the programme contributes to the global achievement of SDG5.
Specific Objective
The Programme's overall objective is to contribute to the elimination of GBSS through Results based policies, strategies development, implementation and accountability. The specific objectives are:
1. To improve sex-ratio at birth in selected countries.
2. To improve social and cultural patterns of behavior that are based on the valuing of girls.
3. Multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral national and regional capacity for advocacy, development, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes to address sex selection are strengthened.
Expected Results
1: Coordination and oversight management strengthened.
2: Explored the contextual realities that underlie sex selection and its interconnectedness with other harmful practices.
3: Indicators for tracking change and the impact of interventions developed and used.
4: Improved social and cultural patterns of behavior that are based on the idea of
the valuing of girl.
5: Multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral national and regional capacity for advocacy, development, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes to address sex selection are strengthened.
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that empowers, Partnership that protects
Inclusion, Rule of law & human rights
Human rights, Women
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date: