ABC.GoV. Alliance for Better City Governance
Project Description
Description of the project: The aim of the project is to promote sustainable and green management of the urban governance of Vanadzor and Gyumri through improvement of policies, procedures and services in this area.
Action in Brief:
With the financial support of the European Union, Vanadzor and Gyumri, the second and the third largest cities of Armenia, assisted by their European partner city Pila from Poland, are embarking on a process of strengthening urban governance. This will be done by creating institutional capacities to address some of the priority gaps in governance and by bringing European experience and knowledge closer to the Armenian context.
Thanks to the project, Vanadzor and Gyumri will be supported to develop Geographical Information Systems that is vital for urban planning. With a unified system for data storage and management, city managers will access the information they need immediately for making quality decisions related to infrastructure, utility systems, communication networks, spacial planning, environmental protection, etc. In developing this important system, the European experience will be sought.
Vanadzor and Gyumri municipalities will pioneer in Armenia in introducing smart public transportation solutions by establishing electronic ticket validation system and importing the first 10 environmentally friendly electric buses. This will help cities meet their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Partner city Pila of Poland will make practical knowledge in this sphere available to Armenian counterparts.
The “Alliance for Better City Governance” Project will support the municipalities of Vanadzor and Gyumri and nearby communities to design and offer their citizens a greener environment. Upgrading waste management services is another important area of urban governance that the Project will tackle. Infrastructures for effective waste recycling will be created; ‘green’ context in all aspects of city management will be promoted, businesses will be empowered and encouraged to apply circular economy approach.
Another priority for the Project is to focus on raising awareness and promoting practices such as waste separation and recycling.
The ambitious goals of the Project will be achieved through broad stakeholder involvement and cooperation, continuous improvement of city management, rigorous and creative public education and awareness campaigns to bring about behavior change among different target groups and make them co-creators of better life in their communities.
Action in Brief:
With the financial support of the European Union, Vanadzor and Gyumri, the second and the third largest cities of Armenia, assisted by their European partner city Pila from Poland, are embarking on a process of strengthening urban governance. This will be done by creating institutional capacities to address some of the priority gaps in governance and by bringing European experience and knowledge closer to the Armenian context.
Thanks to the project, Vanadzor and Gyumri will be supported to develop Geographical Information Systems that is vital for urban planning. With a unified system for data storage and management, city managers will access the information they need immediately for making quality decisions related to infrastructure, utility systems, communication networks, spacial planning, environmental protection, etc. In developing this important system, the European experience will be sought.
Vanadzor and Gyumri municipalities will pioneer in Armenia in introducing smart public transportation solutions by establishing electronic ticket validation system and importing the first 10 environmentally friendly electric buses. This will help cities meet their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Partner city Pila of Poland will make practical knowledge in this sphere available to Armenian counterparts.
The “Alliance for Better City Governance” Project will support the municipalities of Vanadzor and Gyumri and nearby communities to design and offer their citizens a greener environment. Upgrading waste management services is another important area of urban governance that the Project will tackle. Infrastructures for effective waste recycling will be created; ‘green’ context in all aspects of city management will be promoted, businesses will be empowered and encouraged to apply circular economy approach.
Another priority for the Project is to focus on raising awareness and promoting practices such as waste separation and recycling.
The ambitious goals of the Project will be achieved through broad stakeholder involvement and cooperation, continuous improvement of city management, rigorous and creative public education and awareness campaigns to bring about behavior change among different target groups and make them co-creators of better life in their communities.
Specific Objective
Specific objectives of the project are:
1. The municipalities of Vanadzor and Gyumri design and implement urban planning, waste recycling and transportation policies in line with national and European standards.
2. Users of municipal transports and waste management services have access to safe, healthy, inclusive and green services.
3. The residents of Vanadzor and Gyumri are more knowledgeable and aware of adverse effects of plastic waste and fuel transportation on human health and environment, change behaviour to contribute improvement of service delivery.
4. Vanadzor, Gyumri, and Pita municipal employees are more knowledgeable and skilled in urban governance and service delivery.
5. The project has rigorous management, monitoring, accountability, reporting and visibility mechanisms to ensure proper implementation and high visibility of the progress.
1. The municipalities of Vanadzor and Gyumri design and implement urban planning, waste recycling and transportation policies in line with national and European standards.
2. Users of municipal transports and waste management services have access to safe, healthy, inclusive and green services.
3. The residents of Vanadzor and Gyumri are more knowledgeable and aware of adverse effects of plastic waste and fuel transportation on human health and environment, change behaviour to contribute improvement of service delivery.
4. Vanadzor, Gyumri, and Pita municipal employees are more knowledgeable and skilled in urban governance and service delivery.
5. The project has rigorous management, monitoring, accountability, reporting and visibility mechanisms to ensure proper implementation and high visibility of the progress.
Expected Results
The expected results include:
• Vanadzor and Gyumri Municipalities have policies and procedures which contribute to sustainable and innovative urban planning, waste recycling and "green” public transportation
• The Municipalities operate “green” public transportation with electronic ticketing system;
• The Municipalities operate plastic recycling production line producing construction materials for improvement of public spaces;
• The Municipalities have improved waste management systems;
• Public knowledge and information on adverse effects of plastic waste and carbon emissions in public health and environment is improved;
• Technical capacities of municipal staff to operate new urban planning, waste management and transportation facilities is enhanced.
• Vanadzor and Gyumri Municipalities have policies and procedures which contribute to sustainable and innovative urban planning, waste recycling and "green” public transportation
• The Municipalities operate “green” public transportation with electronic ticketing system;
• The Municipalities operate plastic recycling production line producing construction materials for improvement of public spaces;
• The Municipalities have improved waste management systems;
• Public knowledge and information on adverse effects of plastic waste and carbon emissions in public health and environment is improved;
• Technical capacities of municipal staff to operate new urban planning, waste management and transportation facilities is enhanced.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
TV programm
sub grant video
ABC.GoV TV program on transport
PSA on transport
PSA on Waste
Town hall on public transport strategy report
Public Transport
TV Report ABC.GoV
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects Subsector:
Governance & public administration Topic:
Good government Project Status:
Completed Start Date:
01.02.2021 End Date:
31.05.2024 Website: