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Labour Action: Collaborative Effort for Accountable and Inclusive Employment

Project Description
‘’Labour Action: Collaborative Effort for Accountable and Inclusive Employment’’ project is implemented by a Consortium of 3 organizations.
The overall action of the project aims at strengthening protection of labour rights in Armenia with special focus on youth and vulnerable groups.
The Action will be implemented at all levels starting from individual coming to institutional up to ecosystem aiming at a cohesive approach towards right protection.
In order to respond to the mentioned context, the consortium put forward the following specific objectives for the Action:
Obj.1 Enable data innovations and cross-sectoral partnership for better observance of labour standards at all levels;
Obj.2 Enhance the capacity of civil society organizations and community active groups to carry shadow monitoring of labour rights observance in private and public sectors;
Obj.3 Enhance capacity of national and local government bodies to ensure compliance with labour laws;
Obj.4 Increase awareness of wider population on labour standards and employment related rights in Armenia.
The whole project is designed in a way that there will be applied to user research, need assessment and participatory engagement prior to the main activities of the project.
At the very beginning there will be applied to baseline assessment as the source data, which will includes a more detailed analysis of specific needs and challenges of the target group.
During the 1st year, there will be developed an E-labor platform, which will suggest a transformative solution towards increased transparency and accountability of labour rights in Armenia.
To ensure proper start of the Project and precisely identify the user preferences and user needs a comprehensive user research will be carried out prior to the development of the platform.
To enforce participatory approach of the Action, the project team will prototype the E-Labor platform through co-design workshop, convened with participation of main stakeholders of the project.
It is planned to design and deploy an automated response agent powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology at the website of the Health Inspectorate and the Ministry of Social and Labour Affairs, aimed at educating the userbase of the E-Labor platform and feeding updated information on labor rights and possible remedies to the wider public. This activity will also be accompanied by User Research, Horizon Scanning, Design and testing.
UEICT will create a multistakeholder task force to support and monitor HLIB in the inception stage of the E-Labor system in analysing the bulk of information and identifying clusters of issues.
Once the system is operational, the project team will call for supporting project ideas among its networks and wider ICT community through a Hackathon event which will feature co-design start-up solutions towards a) increased participation of the citizenry in the platform; b) data visualization tools; and c) increased accountability of the platform.
As part of the project, annual tailored grant competition will be announced to support civil society projects in monitoring policy implementation and providing Track-2 oversight to labour rights.
As part of the strive to produce evidence for policy making, the project team will announce research fellowships to analyse the data accumulated at the Labour Inspectorate and to produce qualitative research products.
In order to make the information more user-friendly and easy to use for policy purposes, the project team will generate regular White Papers targeting at decision makers both in public administration and private sector.
In order to ensure sustainability of injected innovations, the project will work towards building sufficient capacity in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Labor Inspectorate to carry proper monitoring of labour violations and to ensure participatory approach.
A series of public events in PechaKucha and Town Hall format will also be implemented and dedicated Social Media Channels will be established throughut the whole project aimed at contributing to visibility and larger engagement of citizenry in discussion and observance of labour rights in Armenia.

Specific Objective
1. Enable data innovations and cross-sectoral partnerships for the better observance of labor standards at all levels.
2. Enhance the capacity of civil society organizations and community active groups to carry shadow monitoring of labor rights observance in private and public sectors.
3. Enhance the capacity of national and local government bodies to ensure compliance with labor laws.
4. Increase awareness of the wider population on labor standards and employment-related rights in Armenia.

Expected Results
The project is designed as a transformative intervention into the labor rights ecosystem of Armenia. It will impact the situation at multiple layers from professional capacity building to institutional support to CSOs to increased accountability and effectiveness of the Government. Ultimately, paid labor population of the Republic will benefit from a more effective and accountable system at place with a due oversight from the non-partisan CSO actors embedded in the logic.
1 Labour Rights Oversight Management system (E-Labor Platform) designed and operated;
1 Chatbot solution deployed at the Ministry of Social and Labour affairs;
1 Data Advisory Council set up at the Inspectorate;
4 grant projects on independent public monitoring implemented;
3research products published;
3 innovative startups incubated through a hackathon
50 labor inspectors trained;
Information campaigns carried;
Pro-Labor website created.
Project map
Photo gallery
Pecha Kucha (The Better Workplace)
CO Design Camp
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers
Governance & public administration, Civil society
Good government, Civil society
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date: