Environmental Protection of Lake Sevan - EU4Sevan
Project Description
Lake Sevan is the largest freshwater lake in the Caucasus Region and is the most significant source of fresh water, irrigation water, aquaculture, as well as hydropower source in Armenia. Its condition has a direct bearing on the region’s environmental health and Armenia’s economic potential.
With support from the EU Water Initiative (EUWI) Plus, the Armenian Government has been developing the first River Basin Management Plan for the Lake Sevan basin, aimed at structuring and improving the management of water re-sources at the basin level in the long term.
EU4SEVAN will build on existing achievements and plans and will complement and support interventions that contribute to enhance the environmental protection of Lake Sevan (outcome).
With support from the EU Water Initiative (EUWI) Plus, the Armenian Government has been developing the first River Basin Management Plan for the Lake Sevan basin, aimed at structuring and improving the management of water re-sources at the basin level in the long term.
EU4SEVAN will build on existing achievements and plans and will complement and support interventions that contribute to enhance the environmental protection of Lake Sevan (outcome).
Specific Objective
Enhanced environmental protection and water quality in Lake Sevan.
Expected Results
Output 1: The water monitoring and management capacities for the Lake Sevan watershed are (further) improved.
Output 2: The capacities for implementing ecosystem-friendly and water-protecting land-use and cultivation practices are improved.
Output 3: The capacities for implementing wastewater treatment, including nature-based solutions, are improved.
Output 4: Awareness and information available for the protection of Lake Sevan are enhanced among basin communities, the private sector, and other stakeholders.
Output 5: The Lake Sevan ecosystem governance is further improved.
Output 2: The capacities for implementing ecosystem-friendly and water-protecting land-use and cultivation practices are improved.
Output 3: The capacities for implementing wastewater treatment, including nature-based solutions, are improved.
Output 4: Awareness and information available for the protection of Lake Sevan are enhanced among basin communities, the private sector, and other stakeholders.
Output 5: The Lake Sevan ecosystem governance is further improved.
Project documents
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that greens Subsector:
Environment & climate change Topic:
Environment Project Status:
Ongoing Start Date:
10.09.2020 End Date:
31.03.2025 Social Media Links:
EU Project Number: