EU4Gender Equality: Together Against Gender Stereotypes and Gender-Based Violence
Project Description
The "EU 4 Gender Equality: Together Against Gender Stereotypes and Gender-Based Violence" programme seeks to strengthen equal rights and opportunities for women and men by shifting social perceptions around gender roles, tackling gender stereotypes and increasing men’s participation in childcare and other domestic responsibilities.
Specific Objective
- To shift perceptions around gender stereotypes and the role of women and men in the family, thus challenging patriarchal norms that limit women’s rights and opportunities.
- To improve men’s involvement in household and caretaking responsibilities and increase their participation in programmes that promote active fatherhood.
- To spur the adoption of best practices in programmes working with perpetrators of violence against women and improve prevention interventions.
- To improve men’s involvement in household and caretaking responsibilities and increase their participation in programmes that promote active fatherhood.
- To spur the adoption of best practices in programmes working with perpetrators of violence against women and improve prevention interventions.
Expected Results
- Researching the best ways to challenge gender stereotypes in order to better understand which approaches are most successful in achieving gender-transformative behavioural change.
- Launching innovative awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns to tackle gender stereotypes and discriminatory practices against women and girls.
- Providing grants to CSOs to roll out a series of tailored activities aimed at improving opportunities for women by tackling gender stereotypes.
- Working with local health-care facilities to increase men’s engagement in prenatal care and establish networks where fathers can benefit from peer-to-peer exchange.
- Advocating for the adoption of best parental-leave practices to increase the number of men involved in raising and caring for their children.
- Developing guidance on working with potential perpetrators to prevent violence against women before it happens.
- Providing technical assistance to institutions working with perpetrators of violence against women on how to integrate innovative models for evidence-based early prevention.
- Launching innovative awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns to tackle gender stereotypes and discriminatory practices against women and girls.
- Providing grants to CSOs to roll out a series of tailored activities aimed at improving opportunities for women by tackling gender stereotypes.
- Working with local health-care facilities to increase men’s engagement in prenatal care and establish networks where fathers can benefit from peer-to-peer exchange.
- Advocating for the adoption of best parental-leave practices to increase the number of men involved in raising and caring for their children.
- Developing guidance on working with potential perpetrators to prevent violence against women before it happens.
- Providing technical assistance to institutions working with perpetrators of violence against women on how to integrate innovative models for evidence-based early prevention.
Project documents
Project map
Photo gallery
EU 4 Gender Equality 2022 Annual report video
GBV survivor testimonial_Moldova
GBV video_Moldova
Women in Rural area_video story_Moldova
Responsible fatherhood_video3
Father's Day video
EU 4 Gender Equality - two years overview and achievements
PSA - unconventional approach to fatherhood
Moldova's youth challenge gender stereotypes
Look Beyond Video 3
Look Beyond Video 2
Look Beyond Video 1
Flashmob: Celebrating family life in Ukraine
Dads Matter
Highlight videos of NAYORA trainings in Baku
Moldova's youth challenge gender stereotypes
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects, Partnership that empowers Subsector:
Rule of law & human rights, Inclusion Topic:
Women, Human rights EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine Project Status:
Completed Start Date:
01.03.2020 End Date:
30.06.2023 Website:
EU Project Number: