WHO, Ministry of Health and Partners in Armenia launch “Vaccination is Care – Reaching out to People 65+” Campaign

“Vaccination is Care” Campaign aiming to reach people over 65 residing in Marzes of Armenia was officially launched today, April 8. The event took place at Abovyan medical center in Kotayk Marz, which is the first site to be covered by the Campaign. The campaign is designed and implemented within the European Union/WHO action to support deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination in Eastern Partnership countries, 2021-2024.
The ultimate goal of the “Vaccination is Care” Campaign is to feature the importance of the COVID- vaccination of people over 65 and make it available for them in polyclinics, outpatient clinics, and community centers nearer to their residence through mobile vaccination groups. The COVID-19 vaccination is of vital importance as the pandemic continues to have a major impact. Unvaccinated populations, especially vulnerable groups like older people, remain at much greater risk of hospitalization, severe illness, and death.
The campaign launched on 8 April offers in addition to COVID-19 vaccination other essential health services including screening for Noncommunicable diseases such as anemia and diabetes.
“We have not yet hit our vaccination target for people over the age of 65 and so we believe that this campaign will help move us toward our goal of vaccinating majority of our most vulnerable citizens. With the collaboration of the EU, WHO, MOH, NCDC, and ARCS, I believe that we will be able to make a bigger impact and be able to make vaccines even more accessible to those in our regions as well as providing other essential services to screen for non-communicable diseases.”, said Deputy Minister Lena Nanushyan.
“This comprehensive Health campaign has special significance; by raising awareness and providing prevention means against severe disease through COVID-19 vaccination and other essential services, it allows better access to care to those most in need, older people and those with limited mobility. It also brings national stakeholders, international partners, and the community together to demonstrate the strength of joining forces to the benefit of people in Armenia.
I reassure that WHO and its partners stand ready to continue their support to have effective response to the global emergency and resilient recovery”, said Dr. Jihane Tawilah, WHO Representative to Armenia.
The Vaccination Campaign is implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health and national partners – National Center for Disease Control, Local Self-Government Bodies, Arabkir MC and ICAH; Armenian Hematology Association, Armenian Immunology Association, Armenian Red Cross Society within the European Union-WHO action to support deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination.
WHO is actively involved in the national pandemic response in Armenia, supporting the Ministry of Health with various activities made possible thanks to EU funds: training of healthcare professionals, upgrading public health laboratories, providing personal protective equipment and state-of-the-art biomedical equipment to hospitals, upgrading the cold chain for safe COVID-19 vaccine delivery and the health information system for evidence-based decision making.
The dates of the mobile team visits to Marzes are as follows:
Kotayq Marz – 8, 9, 10 April
Tavush Marz – 16, 17 April
Lori / Syuniq – 23, 24 April
Gegharkunik/ Vayots Dzor – 30 April, 1 May
Aragatsotn – 7,8 May
Shirak – 14, 15 May
Ararat – 21, 22 May
Armavir – 28, 29 May
For more information, please follow WHO Armenia on Facebook and Instagram.
For further information, please contact:
Hripsime Ohanyan, WHO Armenia Communication Officer, ohanyanh@who.int