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CyberEast - Action on Cybercrime for Cyber Resilience in the Eastern Partnership region

Project Description
The joint European Union-Council of Europe project aims at adopting legislative and policy frameworks compliant to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime and related instruments, reinforcing the capacities of judicial and law enforcement authorities and interagency cooperation, as well as increasing efficient international cooperation and trust on criminal justice, cybercrime and electronic evidence, including between service providers and law enforcement.
Specific Objective
The objective of the Project is to increase and enhance the cyber-resilience and criminal justice capacities of the Eastern Partnership countries to better address the challenges of cyber threats and improve their overall security.
Expected Results
The project’s activities are built around support to EaP partner countries in the achievement of the following outcomes:
- Level of implementation of Budapest Convention in terms of substantive law and procedural powers into national laws.
- Revised and adopted strategies and action plans related to cybercrime.
- Stronger and operational specialised cybercrime units.
- Better interagency cooperation and information sharing.
- Improved civic participation, oversight and visibility of action on cybercrime.
- International cooperation on cybercrime and electronic evidence improved.
- Public-private partnerships between law enforcement and the private sector are in place.
Project map
Photo gallery
CyberEast Closing Conference_14 December 2023
Priority Area:
Partnership that connects, Partnership that protects
Digital (broadband, mobile, eGov, digital innovation, cyber), Security & conflict response
Digital, Security
EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number: