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Human Rights for and with Refugees

Project Description
The Action targets the rights and needs of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) residing in Armenia. It introduces a broad range of measures that aim to address the multiple and layered challenges that around 120,000 refugees face. The aim of project is to ensure that NK refugees residing in Armenia are empowered to uphold their fundamental rights, and there are accessible mechanisms for identifying and addressing the specific human rights vulnerabilities of different groups within the refugee population.
Democracy Development Foundation (DDF), the Estonian Refugee Council (ERC), Commit Global (CG), and the Coalition to Stop Violence against Women (CSVW) will bring together their expertise to carry out 24 Activities in total.
Specific Objective
1. Provide opportunities for self-organization and initiative-taking among refugee communities to uphold their rights and address the challenges their communities face.
2. Establish and operate referral and information-sharing mechanisms for raising and addressing issues related to the rights of refugees.
3. Establish services and mechanism for advancing the rights of refugee groups with specific vulnerabilities.
Expected Results
1. Enhanced advocacy for and by NK refugee communities,
2. Enhanced support to NK refugees by local communities and stakeholders,
3. Enhanced access to qualitative protection services for vulnerable groups within the NK refugee population.
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Priority Area:
Human rights
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
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