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Accountable Institutions and Human Rights Protection in Armenia

Project Description
The Project is designed to support the Government of Armenia (GoA) efforts towards inclusive, accountable and effective service delivery in the field of rule of law, security, enhanced human rights protection and Constitutional reform. This engagement will contribute to implementation of CEPA provisions and implementation of the roadmap, adopted by the GoA in the areas of rule of law and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The focus will be placed on good governance, non-discrimination and gender equality, rights of persons belonging to minorities, justice and security reform. The Project will equally contribute to implementation of the Agenda 2030, focusing on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 (peace and strong institutions), SDG 10 (reduced inequalities) and SDG 5 (gender equality).
Specific Objective
1. The Project’s overall objective is to support the Governments’ strategic reforms towards accountable and effective service delivery in the field of security, human rights and promotion of Constitutional Reforms.
2. The Specific objective is to enhance rights-based approach in public service delivery to safeguard protection, equality and inclusiveness, in line with the principles of CEPA & 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda of leaving no one behind.
Expected Results
Human Rights:
- Capacities of the HRDO and relevant human rights public agencies i.e. Office of the Representative before the ECtHR, at national and regional level are strengthened including on monitoring and accountability;
- Measures to promote public awareness on human rights with a particular focus on the rights of vulnerable groups are implemented;
- A new Human Rights Strategy and Action Plan for 2020-22 are effectively implemented and the new HRAP is designed for 2023-2025.
Police reform:
- Capacity of the Police to implement the reform is enhanced through improved human resource quality and better awareness;
- Institutional capacities of the Police for effective oversight, as well as for ensuring accountability, transparency and integrity are developed;
- Mechanisms to foster participation of women at all levels of policing as well as for ensuring gender equality and gender mainstreaming are developed;
- Institutional capacities of the Police for implementation for effective crisis management are improved.
Constitutional Reform:
- An inclusive, participatory, transparent and national owned constitutional review roadmap are designed;
- Capacities of the Commission, the Secretariat and other official constitutional reform bodies are strengthened;
- Civic participation in the constitutional review process, including through capacity development is strengthened.
Project map
Photo gallery
Launching event of EU funded “Accountable Institutions and Human Rights Protection in Armenia” project (25.01.2022)
Empowering Women in the Police: A focus on a Patrol Police as an example (13.04.2023)
Trainings on “Psychological preparedness” for patrol police officers (through 2023)
The Final Session of the Coordinating Council of the Human Rights Action Plan 2020-2022 (14.03.2023)
Launch of the e-platform of the Strategy and Action Plan for Judicial and Legal Reforms 2022-2026 (21.07.2023)
Social Innovation to Restart Human Rights
Priority Area:
Human rights, Good government, Justice, Security
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
Social Media Links:

EU Project Number: