Stronger Democratic Institutions in Eastern Partnership Countries: an ODIHR project supported and funded by the EU
Within the framework of this project, Eastern Partnership countries will be offered assistance to benefit from ODIHR’s comprehensive package of tools to bolster systems of democratic governance, based on the respect of rule of law and human rights, increase public trust in institutions, encourage more representative government, inclusive and participatory political and decision-making processes, all of which contributes to more effective responses to ongoing crises and builds resilience to future ones. The support provided under the project will allow States to implement more effective and efficient policies, as well as evaluate progress towards accountable and inclusive democratic institutions, stronger public integrity systems, human rights compliant legal frameworks, political party regulation, as well as participation of historically underrepresented groups in political life and decision-making. The project activities utilize ODIHR’s regional expertise and solid understanding of the challenges facing democratic institutions while drawing on its vast partnerships to facilitate exchanges and sharing of perspectives, building on past achievements, to ensure the benefits from good practices and lessons learned support states to be better able to empower citizens and make the democratic process more inclusive and representative.
Հատուկ նպատակներ
The project has the objective to support democratic institutions and processes in Eastern Partnership Countries to be more inclusive, accountable, resilient, transparent, human rights and rule of law compliant. The project facilitates the provision of technical assistance to:
- Improve mechanisms of parliamentary, civil society and judicial oversight and enhance transparency and integrity of institutions, through adopting, improving or expanding codes of ethical conduct;
- Support parliaments to strengthen their consultation and collaboration with civil society, safeguarding principles of democratic law-making and increasing public trust in elected institutions as well as offer capacity building for state oversight agencies and civil society and regional exchanges of good practices.
- Advance political participation of underrepresented groups such as women, youth and persons with disabilities in national parliaments and political parties while providing a platform for dialogue and assistance to improve regulatory frameworks for civil society and political parties;
- Enhance the openness, transparency, effectiveness, inclusiveness and accountability of law-making processes by providing recommendations and tailor-made assistance to legislators and policy makers as well as expert advice on compliance of legal frameworks for parliamentary procedures and law-making in line with international standards.
- Provide a platform for States and civil society to discuss efforts in addressing ODIHR election recommendations.
- Improve mechanisms of parliamentary, civil society and judicial oversight and enhance transparency and integrity of institutions, through adopting, improving or expanding codes of ethical conduct;
- Support parliaments to strengthen their consultation and collaboration with civil society, safeguarding principles of democratic law-making and increasing public trust in elected institutions as well as offer capacity building for state oversight agencies and civil society and regional exchanges of good practices.
- Advance political participation of underrepresented groups such as women, youth and persons with disabilities in national parliaments and political parties while providing a platform for dialogue and assistance to improve regulatory frameworks for civil society and political parties;
- Enhance the openness, transparency, effectiveness, inclusiveness and accountability of law-making processes by providing recommendations and tailor-made assistance to legislators and policy makers as well as expert advice on compliance of legal frameworks for parliamentary procedures and law-making in line with international standards.
- Provide a platform for States and civil society to discuss efforts in addressing ODIHR election recommendations.
Ակնկալվող արդյունքներ
- Democratic institutions are better able to engage in evidence-based reforms with greater accountability, integrity and inclusivity.
- Political parties are governed by rule of law and human rights compliant and gender sensitive regulations.
- Administrative justice bodies responsible for adjudication of elections and fundamental civil and political rights operate more effectively and in accordance with international standards.
- Enhanced collaboration on addressing key recommendations to improve electoral processes in eastern partner countries.
- Political parties are governed by rule of law and human rights compliant and gender sensitive regulations.
- Administrative justice bodies responsible for adjudication of elections and fundamental civil and political rights operate more effectively and in accordance with international standards.
- Enhanced collaboration on addressing key recommendations to improve electoral processes in eastern partner countries.
Ծրագրի քարտեզ
Գերակա ուղղություն:
Կոռուպցիայի դեմ պայքար, Քաղաքացիական հասարակություն, Անդրսահմանային համագործակցություն, Լավ կառավարում, Մարդու իրավունքներ, Արդարադատություն, Միգրացիա և շարժունակություն, Քաղաքական հարաբերություններ, Հմտություններ, Երիտասարդություն, Կանայք EaP Countries:
Հայաստան, Ադրբեջան, Բելառուս, Վրաստան, Մոլդովա, Ուկրաինա Նախագծի կարգավիճակը:
Շարունակական Մեկնարկի ամսաթիվ:
01.01.2024 Ավարտի ամսաթիվ:
31.12.2027 Կայքէջ:
ԵՄ ծրագրի համարը: