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Leading Equality and Access for Disabilities

The introduction of the new national disability assessment system based on WHO’s International Classification of Functioning (ICF), Disability and Health by the Government of Armenia, poses a certain number of challenges such as the lack of awareness and understanding about ICF, the lack of post assessment services and limited resources.
With their expertise, World Vision France with 4 partners (WVCPAF, Agate, Full Life and Source Foundation) join forces together to support the social inclusion of person with disabilities and their access to adapted services. By strengthening the participation of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPO) in the policy process and by introducing innovative instruments/services for people with disabilities, this will lead to a better functional system taking into account the equal rights of people with disabilities in Armenia.
The project will take place in five regions of Armenia (Shirak, Lori, Tavush, Gegharkunik, and Syunik) to create an impact through the whole country.
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The overall objective of the project is: To contribute towards promotion of equal rights of persons with disabilities and enable their participation and access to services through empowering Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) as key actors of the ecosystem.
The specific objectives are:
1. Responsiveness of the policy framework and efficiency of the regulatory environment for disability assessment is increased with active engagement of DPOs in policy design, delivery and monitoring
2. The establishment of efficient and inclusive International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) assessment and post-assessment instruments and services is supported and piloted in partnership with DPOs
3. The effectiveness of DPOs throughout the entire disability ecosystem is advanced to make them capable agents of persons with disabilities at policy, service delivery levels
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Under Specific Objective 1:
ER 1.1: Policies and regulatory environment are strengthened to ensure social inclusion and effective ICF roll-out
ER 1.2: Social inclusion of people with disabilities is promoted among wider public
Under Specific Objective 2:
ER 2.1: Disability Assessment Centers (DAC) are supported to assess greater number of persons with disabilities
ER 2.2: Post-assessment and follow-up evidence-based services including individual service for persons with disabilities are enhanced
Under Specific Objective 3:
ER 3.1: Capacities of DPOs and their coalitions are strengthened to make them capable agents of persons with disabilities at policy and service delivery levels
ER 3.2: DPOs are supported to design and launch innovative ICF post-assessment services as well as to conduct monitoring and feedback of services for persons with disabilities
Project documents
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