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Observation of the Yerevan City Council Elections 2023

The project intends to ensure public oversight over the upcoming elections in Yerevan City through long-term and short-term observation of the campaign, the voting processes and post electoral developments. The project plans to conduct the observation on behalf of the “Akanates” initiative, whose general aim is to promote the conduct of free, fair and transparent elections and achieving improved quality of elections in Armenia.
Հատուկ նպատակներ
The major objective is to ensure public oversight over the electoral process, as well as assess its compliance with national and international electoral standards. The specific objectives of the intervention are:
1. Contributing to voters’ education and their awareness. More specifically, the campaign will encourage the citizens to make an informed choice by thoroughly observing the proposed programmes of each party. Other than that, it is planned to disseminate information, materials and programmes designed to inform voters about the importance of informed choice, programs of parties, etc.
2. Conducting the observation of the upcoming City Council elections on behalf of the “Akanates” initiative, within the general aim of promoting to conduct free, fair and transparent elections and achieving improved quality of elections in Armenia.
Ակնկալվող արդյունքներ
1. Raised awareness among the citizens to make an informed choice
2. Improved transparency and credibility of the election processes in Yerevan, as well as its compliance to national and international standards to be assessed based on the observation findings
Project documents
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