The project #Juremonia funded by the European Union announces a project proposal competition for receiving grant. The call is open for Civil society organizations from the Republic of Armenia.
The aim of small grant is to achieve CSOs empowerment and meaningfully engagement in the justice sector reforms in Armenia as effective, trusted and sustainable independent actors, in order to create a more accountable, transparent and international human rights-compliant justice system in Armenia.
Project proposals are invited under this announcement, with a particular emphasis on initiatives aimed at analyzing and enhancing public understanding of police reforms outlined in the Police Reform Strategy Draft (check the draft here )
Proposals should focus on evaluating the proposed reforms, assessing their potential impact, and identifying ways to improve public awareness and perception of the changes envisioned in the strategy.
Organizations (or consortia) need to prove they have access to data necessary for monitoring or have a track record of obtaining reliable information based on monitoring and explain in detail how such information will be gathered.
Find detailed information on the open call conditions, application submission process, duration, grant amount, and eligibility requirements for organizations CLICK HERE>>>
Lead organization must be registered for at least three years. Consortium partner can be registered less than three years.
Annex 4_Monitoring guidelines and tools
Applications must be submitted in English. All submitted applications must be sent electronically to ONLY this email address:
Deadline for submitted application: 15 March, 2025 at 15:00 (Armenian time)