EU4Youth: new funding opportunity for youth organisations in the Eastern Partner countries

The EU-funded ‘EU4Youth: Youth Engagement and Empowerment’ project has announced a grant competition for youth organisations operating in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.
The small grant scheme aims to improve the quality and outreach of youth work. The youth civil society organisations (CSO) are invited to propose and pilot innovative measures and practices engaging young people, in particular from remote and less advantaged locations.
The project proposals should cover the following thematic areas:
- Climate change and environment (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova);
- Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine);
- Enhancing youth participation at local, regional and national levels (Armenia, Moldova)
- Youth participation in the recovery of Ukraine (Ukraine ).
The grant amount shall not exceed €15,000 per grant project.
To apply, please provide the project proposal, budget, CVs of the proposed staff, and registration certificate of the organisation by 26 June 2024.
For more information, please download the Small Grants Scheme guidelines specific to your country. These guidelines include contact details for submitting your grant proposal documents, as well as other important details.
If you have any questions related to the grants, please contact the National Coordinator in your respective country: Armenia (, Georgia (, Moldova (, and Ukraine (
The funding opportunity is provided within the ‘EU4Youth: Youth Engagement and Empowerment’ project co-funded by the European Union and German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) as part of the ‘Strengthening Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership’ Project.
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